There are several equipments that are specifically used in the final stages of construction or in the maintenance of highways. They include scrapers, dozers, loaders and Excavators. They are innovative products of superior quality, built on a tradition of integrity to carry out the rapid expansion that is witnessed in the highway construction.
The construction of highways has 3 phases, rough grading -earthmoving, fine grading -sub-grade preparation and surfacing, which includes gravel, concrete, asphalt, (or any combination of the three). Compaction is a major element of highway construction and it goes a long way to ensure maximum life of the road structure. Maximum compaction is necessary for a great highway.
In the fine grading operations there is a need to grade surfaces to very fine tolerances and changing the moisture level in the material being compacted. The Machines which add moisture are water trucks and graders and which reduce moisture levels include discs, mixers, and graders.
Read More: Plants and equipment used in highway construction
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